Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Information about AIDS Contd...

What is the difference between an Anonymous and a Confidential Test?

Anonymous and Confidential use the same testing method. The only difference is one does not have your name attached to the results.

Anonymous antibody testing is available at Anonymous Test Sites in most California counties. Anonymous testing means that absolutely no one has access to your test results since your name is never recorded at the test site.

Confidential antibody testing means that you and the health care provider know your results, which may be recorded in your medical file.

(Source: San Francisco AIDS Foundation)

Which test should I have done: Anonymous or Confidential?

It is recommended that one have an anonymous test. The results will only be known to you and will not appear on any records.

Some reasons that one would need a confidential test would be: a result is required for immigration purposes or for some international travel visas; a pregnant woman who is clearly at risk might choose to be tested through her doctor, rather than anonymously, since the result is of key importance to the course of her medical care. (Source: San Francisco AIDS Foundation)

I have heard there are many different types of HIV tests. How do I know which one I should take?

The combination of an Eliza/Western Blot HIV Antibody Test is the accepted testing method for HIV infection. This combination test is looking for the antibodies that develop to fight the HIV virus. There are two ways to conduct this test. Either through a blood draw or through the "Orasure" method (a sample of oral mucus obtained with a specially treated cotton pad that is placed between the cheek and lower gum for two minutes). Both forms, by blood draw or orally, have the same accuracy with their results.

Other tests that you will hear about are Viral Load tests. These tests are used by physicians to monitor their patients who have already tested positive for HIV antibodies. Viral Load tests are very costly and should not be used to determine if one is HIV positive.

(Source: San Francisco AIDS Foundation)

What do test results mean?

A positive result means:
  • You are HIV-positive (carrying the virus that causes AIDS).
  • You can infect others and should try to implement precautions to prevent doing so.
A negative result means:
  • No antibodies were found in your blood at this time.
A negative result does NOT mean:
  • You are not infected with HIV (if you are still in the window period).
  • You are immune to AIDS.
  • You have a resistance to infection.
  • You will never get AIDS.
(Source: San Francisco AIDS Foundation)

If I test positive, does that mean that I will die?

Testing positive for HIV means that you now carry the virus that causes AIDS. It does not mean that you have AIDS, nor does it mean that you will die. Although there is no cure for AIDS, many opportunistic infections that make people sick can be controlled, prevented or eliminated. This has substantially increased the longevity and quality of life for people living with AIDS.

(Source: San Francisco AIDS Foundation)

If I test HIV negative does that mean that my partner is HIV negative also?

No. Your HIV test result reveals only your HIV status. Your negative test result does not tell you about the HIV status of your partner(s). HIV is not necessarily transmitted every time there is an exposure.

No one's test result can be used to determine another person's HIV status. (Source: Centers for Disease Control - CDC)

I'm HIV positive. Where can I go for information about treatments?

The CDC National AIDS Hotline can offer practical information on maintaining health and general information about a wide variety of treatments, including antiretrovirals and prophylaxis for opportunistic infections. The hotline numbers are 1-800-342-2437 (English), 1-800-344-7432, (Spanish), or 1-888)-480-3739 (TTY). The CDC National AIDS Hotline can also provide referrals to national treatment hotlines, local AIDS Service Organizations and HIV/AIDS-knowledgeable physicians.

Detailed information on specific treatments is available from the HIV/AIDS Treatment Information Service (ATIS) at 1-800-448-0440. Information on enrolling in clinical trials can be obtained from the AIDS Clinical Trials Information Service at 1-800-874-2572 (English and Spanish) and 1-888-480-3739 (TTY). (Source: Centers for Disease Control - CDC)

Go to the
HIV/AIDS Treatment Information Service website

Is there anything I can do to stay healthy?

The short answer is yes. There are things that you can do to stay healthy.

Emotional support may be very important for HIV-positive people because it breaks the isolation and provides a safe way of sharing both feelings and practical information.

Medical Care: Once you find a doctor or clinic, your main objective is to get an evaluation of your general health and immune function.

Many doctors do the following:

  • Administer lab tests to evaluate your immune system.
  • Determine if you have other diseases that might become problematic in the future, including syphilis, TB, hepatitis-B, and toxoplasmosis.
If you are already infected with one or more of these other illnesses, there may be treatments or prophylaxis available to prevent it from becoming more serious or recurring in the future. If you're not already infected, doctors may be able to prevent future infection by:
  • Administering vaccines. Many HIV positive people get a hepatitis-B vaccine and bacterial pneumonia vaccines, since contracting these diseases could be dangerous for immune suppressed people.
  • Prescribing antiviral treatments and protease inhibitors when tests show immune system impairment.
  • Scheduling regular checkups. Checkups may be scheduled every three to six months. Some people need more frequent check-ups, particularly when they are starting new antiviral drugs.
(Source: San Francisco AIDS Foundation)

How safe is the U.S. blood supply?

The U.S. blood supply is among the safest in the world. Nearly all people infected with HIV through blood transfusions received those transfusions before 1985, the year it became possible to test donated blood for HIV.

The Public Health Service has recommended a multifaceted approach to blood safety in the United States that includes stringent donor selection practices and the use of screening tests. Blood donations in the United States have been screened for antibody to HIV-1 since March 1985 and HIV-2 since June 1992. Blood and blood products that test positive for HIV are safely discarded and are not used for transfusion

An estimated one in 450,000 to one in 660,000 donations per year are infectious for HIV but are not detected by current antibody screening tests. In August of 1995 the FDA recommended that all donated blood and plasma also be screened for HIV-1 p24 antigen. Donor screening for p24 antigen is expected to reduce the number of otherwise undetected infectious donations by approximately 25 percent per year. The improvement of processing methods for blood products has also reduced the number of infections resulting in the use of these products. Currently the risk of infection with HIV in the United States through receiving a blood transfusion or through the use of blood products is extremely rare and has become progressively more infrequent, even in areas with high HIV prevalence rates. (Source: Centers for Disease Control - CDC)

Do the new drugs I hear about cure you?

The new drugs you are referring to are a class of anti-HIV drugs known as protease inhibitors. There is NO cure for AIDS, but these drugs are helping to prolong the lives of many people with AIDS and delaying the onset of AIDS in many people with HIV. You should consult your own health care provider surrounding treatment issues. There is no standard treatment for everyone. Your health care provider will discuss your individual options. (Source: Centers for Disease Control - CDC)

Where can I get printed materials for my school project or organization?

CDC National AIDS Hotline can help you with requests for printed materials. Call them and tell them who you are and what you need. If you are doing a school project, tell them. If you are giving a presentation to some other kind of group, tell them that. The more they know about what you need, the better they can help you. They are available 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year toll-free at (800) 342-2437. (Source: AIDS.ORG)

I still have more questions. Can I talk to someone?

You most certainly can! You can call the
CDC National AIDS Hotline at (800) 342-2437 anytime, 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year. They are there to help you with your questions, to provide you with further information, and to listen. Additionally, most states also provide their own state AIDS hotlines - although their hours of operation may vary. Click here for our listing of available state AIDS hotlines. (Source: AIDS.ORG)

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