Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Know About Fruits - PineApple

Pineapple is a herbaceous, perennial plant of the bromeliadfamily with large, pointed leaves. It develops from tiny, lavenderflowers on a short stalk that grow from the center of the leaves.The flowers fuse with the bracts to become fleshy and to formthe pineapple. Bet you didn't know that pineapple's fibrous, chewycore is the original flower stalk! When you see the hexagonalsections of the pineapple rind, look at each section, a botanicallyindividual fruit, which merged to form the finished product.

Hawaiian pineapple is ready to eat when harvested and it isrushed to market at optimum sweetness. Don't store pineapple expectingit to ripen like other fruit. In the growing process, the starchin the fruit's leaves converts to sugar and goes directly to thefruit. Once picked, the fruit is cut off from its "sweetness"supply.

How To Select a #1 Pineapple
Look for fresh, green leaves and be certain they are not wiltedor brown. The pineapple should smell sweet and be firm with nosoft spots. There is a new pineapple in your future. Del Monte's latest creation, Golden Pineapple, is now in many mainland and European markets. Sweeter, juicier, golden, and loaded with three, yes xxx, times the vitamin C of the older model. This pineapple grows in Costa Rica and the Philippines. Only a limited number are being grown on Oahu by Del Monte, and no word about future Hawaiian production at this time.

Latest production figures from the Del Monte offices in Florida are that 40-50,000 new Golden Pineapples are shipped weekly to both mainland US and Europe. The Golden Pineapple carries a name tag for easy identification. Happy munching!

Pineapple tips
The most flavorful use for a fresh pineapple is the simplest.Don't mask its sweet flavor with a rich dressing or bake the freshnessfrom it. Use canned pineapple for richly dressed salads, marinades,and baked goods. Fresh pineapple is good uncooked as a toppingfor a cheesecake or a tart and in fresh fruit salad. Serve itcubed with a dash of brandy or kirsch for dessert. Fresh pineappleis the perfect ending to a dinner because its enzymes aid digestion.

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