Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Inventions and Discoveries - II

Bacteria : Anton van Leeuwenhoek, The Netherlands, 1683.
Bakelite : Leo Hendrik Baekeland, U.S.A., 1907.
Ball Bearing : Philip Vaughan, England, 1794.
Ballon, Hot-air : Joseph and Jacques Montgolfier, France, 1783.
Bar Codes : Monarch Marking, U.S.A. 1970.
Barometer : Evangelista Torricelli, Italy, 1643.
Bicycle : Karl D. von Sauebronn, Germany, 1816; (first modern model) James Starley, England, 1884.
Big Bang Theory : (the universe originated with a huge explosion) George LeMaitre, Belgium, 1927; (modified LeMaitre theory labeled "Big Bang") George A. Gamov, U.S.A., 1948; (cosmic microwave background radiation
discovered) Arno A. Penzias and Robert W. Wilson, U.S.A. 1965.
Blood Circulation : William Harvey, England, 1628.
Bomb, Atomic : J. Robert Oppenheimer et al., U.S.A., 1945.
Bomb, Thermonuclear (hydrogen) : Edward Teller et al., U.S.A., 1952.
Boyle's Law : (relation between pressure and volume in gases) Robert Boyle, Ireland, 1662.
Braille : Louis Braille, France, 1829.
Bridges : (suspension, iron chains) James Finley, Pa., 1800; (wire suspension) Marc Seguin, Lyons, 1825; (truss) Ithiel Town, U.S.A., 1820.
Bullet : (conical) Claude Minie, France, 1849.

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