Thursday, February 16, 2006

Inventions and Discoveries - III

Calculating Machine : (logarithms) John Napierm Scotland, 1614; (digital calculator) Blaise Pascal, 1642; (multiplication machine) Gottfried Leibniz, Germany, 1671; ("analytical engine" design, included concepts of
programming, taping) Charles Babbage, England, 1835.
Camera : George Eastman, U.S.A., 1888; (Polaroid) Edwin Land, U.S.A., 1948
Car Radio : William Lear, Elmer Wavering, U.S.A. 1929.
Cells : Robert Hooke, England, 1665.
Chewing Gum : John Curtis, U.S.A., 1848; (chicle-based) Thomas Adams, U.S.A., 1870.
Cholera Bacterium : Robert Koch, Germany, 1883.
Circuit, Integrated : (theoretical) G.W.A. Dummer, England, 1952; Jack S. Kilby, Texas Instruments, U.S.A., 1959.
Clock, Pendulum : Christian Huygens, The Netherlands, 1656.
Clock, Quartz : Warren A. Marrison, Canada/U.S.A., 1927.
Cloning, Animal : John B. Gurdon, U.K., 1970.
Coca-Cola : John Pemberton, U.S.A., 1886.
Combustion : Antoine Lavoisier, France, 1777.
Compact Disk : RCA, U.S.A., 1972.
Compact Disk (CD) : Philips Electronics, The Netherlands; Sony Corp., Japan, 1980.
Computed Tomography (CT scan, CAT scan) : Godfrey Hounsfield, Allan Cormack, U.K. U.S.A., 1972
Computers : (analytical engine) Charles Babbage, 1830s; (ENIAC, Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator, first all-electronic, completed) John Presper Eckert, Jr., John Mauchly, U.S.A., 1945; (UNIVAC, Universal
Automatic Computer) 1951; (personal computer) Steve Wozniak, U.S.A., 1976.
Computer Lap : Radio Shack Corp., U.S.A., 1983.
Concrete : Joseph Monier, France, 1877.

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