Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Inventions and Discoveries - V

Electric Generator (dynamo) : (laboratory model) Michael Faraday, England, 1832; Joseph Henry, U.S.A., c.1832; (hand-driven model) Hippolyte Pixii, France, 1833; (alternating-current generator) Nikola Tesla, U.S.A., 1892.
Electron : Sir Joseph J. Thompson, U.S.A., 1897.
Electronic Mail : Ray Tomlinson, U.S.A., 1972.
Elevator, Passenger : Elisha G. Otis, U.S.A., 1852.
E=mc2 :(equivalence of mass and energy) Albert Einstein, Switzerland, 1907.
Engine, Internal Combustion : No single inventor. Fundamental theory established by Sadi Carnot, France, 1824; (two-stroke) Etienne Lenoir, France, 1860; (ideal operating cycle for four-stroke) Alphonse Beau de
Roche, France, 1862; (operating four-stroke) Nikolaus Otto, Germany, 1876; (diesel) Rudolf Diesel, Germany, 1892; (rotary) Felix Wanket, Germany, 1956.
Evolution : (organic) Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, France, 1809; (by natural selection) Charles Darwin, England, 1859.

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